A collection of poetry written by students worldwide.
A Spanish idiom about daydreaming; a way of saying that one is not sitting idly, but engaged constructively in contemplation. June’s summer heat and the Read more
His hands are calloused and rough.His fingertips are stained yellow.Not the kind of yellow that is full of sun kisses and dandelions,but the yellow of Read more
The patient was a 17-year-old Asian femalewith no significant past medical history(or no significant future) who hopes this isn't forever.Two minutes after arrival at UTMB at Read more
I shimmy and shake in my bed drunk on iron eyelids. Every lightbulb in the house is dormant. Spectacular wings could protrude from my shoulderThe crickets are Read more
for her soul - version 1.For the soul's sweet plea in plaintive tone,In Babylon's blaze, where smoky petals are sown,Semiramis weeps, her gaze growing dim,The Read more
Origami – the act of leaving skidmarks on paper. of chalking dead skin on dead wood. of tracing creases for a new life to beseech it.i folded Read more
Routine is the devil of a stranger: A death spell is different only in name.18th century England — the rise of industrialisation, the first factory system—the Read more
‘Cause in a room with fizzing Coca-Cola ceilings, my grandmother laydying. ‘Cause this was about the time that my blue bear’s chest began to split, Read more
On the shore, in France’s half-open fistMy grandparents built a white-walled houseUrged by the midday sun, theBalcony’s terracotta tiles wouldScorch unassuming feetBut in the cool Read more
neon bright signs in late nights leaveafterimages in my eyes, a cyberpunkremainder of color and shapes andswirling lines. in the rain my windshield wiperssqueak incessantly, Read more
The birdhouse holds only memories & the training wheels on my bike are weighed down by dust. Lily of the valley sinks a little lower today, dandelion Read more
The last time I threw up my hair was still long enough to knot along my stomach. Clinging to the state phonewith clammy tear-stains stumbling over buttons as waves Read more
you lived in my best dreams the ones where we’d hang the soaking clothes, take out the trashwhere the smell of soondubu filled the room while the silverware Read more