A collection of nonfiction written by students worldwide.
1.Birth The first time you saw the sun was when you were only two months old and your momtook you to a fortune teller. He Read more
I used to wear my hair in a ponytail every day. It was a nuisance if it wasn’t pulled back—always tangled and in my face—but Read more
I didn't notice it at first. I was too busy balancing on the rocks. The mud squished between my toes, which had never bothered me Read more
Clouds covered the sky in a lazy haze, and I wished the moment we had together wouldn’t end. For days, we’d tried to find time Read more
Mushrooms often grow in relation to the other plants and trees around them, forming a symbiotic relationship. Some mushrooms kill other plants, some mushrooms grow Read more
“Nǚ ér (Daughter),” Mama whispered, splintering the stillness that enveloped us in our Nissan’s murmur. “Yeah?” I respond indifferently, double-tapping the gingham dress on my Read more
Rain poured down outside my car, windshield wipers cleared my view—though it still didn’t feel like I was seeing straight. I was driving fast, faster Read more
I remember that it was cold. The kind of cold that slips through your jacket when it isn’t tucked up to your chin, and finds Read more
It's 12:34 a.m. and I’m done staring at the ceiling. I better practice piano. Noise is a dish best served in solitude. I crawl over Read more